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Operation Theater

Department of Trauma and Orthopaedics 
Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust

Our Trauma and Orthopaedic team helps care for patients with disorders of the bones, muscles or joints. The department offers a full range of planned (elective) surgery and emergency (trauma) surgery for patients who may need urgent treatment as a result of an accident.

Department info

Department information

Resources for clinical staff 

Virtual fracture clinic

fracture management pathways and referral information for clinical staff

Doctors induction

Useful induction materials for junior doctors starting on our firm

Clinical Education

Education and learning resources 

contact us

Contact Us

Trauma Coordinator: ext 35831 

Oncall Registrar: bleep 5599

Oncall SHO: bleep 5500

Plaster Room: ext 35443

Ward 30: ext 35412, 35868

Ward 31: ext 35626, 35355

Ward 30 doctor - bleep 5501 (8am-5pm)

Ward 31 doctor - bleep 5502 (8am-5pm)

T&O outlier doctor - bleep 5503 (8am-5pm)

Post-take doctor - bleep 5503 (8am-5pm)

Twilight doctor - bleep 5503 (2.45-10:45pm)

Orthogeriatric team - bleep 1458 (not for referrals)

Oncall email:


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