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Many of you may not have much T&O experience before, so we try to provide you as much learning opportunities as possible. We know that T&O is very specialised and it can feel overwhelming. There are however basic principles, and you will start seeing a pattern as you experience more cases.

In particular, there are a number of topics to gain knowledge of during your placement:

During oncalls, take the opportunities to learn about:

  • joint aspirations

  • fracture and dislocation reductions

  • plastering

  • XR interpretation

  • FAI blocks

  • trauma calls, ATLS

During wards, take the opportunities to learn about:

  • post op management plans for common fractures / conditions

  • XR interpretation (e.g. post op hemi / THR)

  • how to assess ozzy wounds

  • assessing T&O emergencies (e.g. Compartment syndrome)

  • management of unwell surgical patient (Ccrisp)

During theatres, take the opportunities to learn about:

  • basic AO principles for fracture fixation

  • basic surgical skills (suturing, plastering)

During trauma meetings, take the opportunities to learn about:

  • XR interpretation

  • fracture management

We provide weekly SHO teaching sessions. These are run by the trauma registrar of the week.

For more educational resources, do visit our site.

Contact Us

Trauma Coordinator: ext 35831 

Oncall Registrar: bleep 5599

Oncall SHO: bleep 5500

Plaster Room: ext 35443

Ward 30: ext 35412, 35868

Ward 31: ext 35626, 35355

Ward 30 doctor - bleep 5501 (8am-5pm)

Ward 31 doctor - bleep 5502 (8am-5pm)

T&O outlier doctor - bleep 5503 (8am-5pm)

Post-take doctor - bleep 5503 (8am-5pm)

Twilight doctor - bleep 5503 (2.45-10:45pm)

Orthogeriatric team - bleep 1458 (not for referrals)

Oncall email:


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