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Metatarsal fracture

3 August 2022 at 08:00:39

Walking boot, crutches if needed

On-line referral to VFC if isolated fracture. Refer to Ortho on-call if multiple displaced fractures

Clinical evaluation

Metatarsal fractures often result from crush injury or twisting injury with forefoot fixed.

The severity of injury can range from simple single metatarsal fracture to multiple fractures.

Clinically, check particularly for open injuries, compartment syndrome, and lis franc injuries.

Investigate with AP, lateral and oblique foot x rays (ideally these should be weight-bearing x rays to detect fracture stability)


Simple metatarsal fractures

These include:

  • undisplaced 1st metatarsal fractures

  • undisplaced / minimally displaced isolated 2-4th metatarsal fractures

  • stress fractures

A&E management include

  1. walking boot

  2. weight bearing as tolerated

  3. offer crutches if required

  4. advise patient to ice and elevate foot when not mobilising

  5. online referral to VFC


Complex metatarsal fractures

These include:

  • open fractures

  • displaced 1st metatarsal fractures

  • displaced intra-articular fractures

  • multiple displaced 2-4th metatarsal shaft fractures

  • Lis-franc injuries

A&E management include

  1. walking boot

  2. non-weight bearing

  3. VTE prophylaxis

  4. refer to ortho oncall

Multiple displaced metatarsal shaft fractures

Contact Us

Trauma Coordinator: ext 35831 

Oncall Registrar: bleep 5599

Oncall SHO: bleep 5500

Plaster Room: ext 35443

Ward 30: ext 35412, 35868

Ward 31: ext 35626, 35355

Ward 30 doctor - bleep 5501 (8am-5pm)

Ward 31 doctor - bleep 5502 (8am-5pm)

T&O outlier doctor - bleep 5503 (8am-5pm)

Post-take doctor - bleep 5503 (8am-5pm)

Twilight doctor - bleep 5503 (2.45-10:45pm)

Orthogeriatric team - bleep 1458 (not for referrals)

Oncall email:


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