7 July 2022 at 11:21:23
Request pelvic and full femur XRs, Bloods (FBC, U&Es, G+S), COVID swab
Refer to Ortho on-call
Clinical presentation
Periprosthetic hip fractures in elderly patients often occur result from low energy mechanisms.
Clinical assessment
Important history include
mechanism of injury (look for associated injuries e.g. head injury, other fractures, rhabdomyolysis following long lie)
joint replacement details (when, where, surgeon, revision history?)
significant past medical history (fitness for surgery, other joint )
drug history (particularly anticoagulation, steroids)
functional history (e.g. walking aids, exercise tolerance, ADLs)
Pelvis and full femur x ray - This helps to determine site and configuration of fracture

A&E management
look for medical causes for fall
take bloods (FBC, U&Es, coag screen, G&S x2)
provide analgesia
refer to ortho oncall team.